Get Started!

Everything you need to know to get started with flower essences, in less than 30 minutes

Learn what flower essences are and how to use them

Here's what you get:

    1. Welcome!

    2. What are Flower Essences?

    3. How to Choose Essences

    4. How to Take Essences

    5. Taking Essences over Time

    6. Taking Essences in a Crisis

    7. What's Next?

    8. 12 Tried & True Bach Flowers

    1. Quickstart Cheat Sheet

About this course

  • Free
  • 0.5 hours on-demand video
  • Downloadable cheat sheet
  • Lifetime access

Start with a good foundation from flower essence pros

Learn from the clinical flower essence practitioners who host the Flower Essence Podcast: Rochana Felde and Kathleen Aspenns

Rochana Felde & Kathleen Aspenns

Frequently Asked Questions

On-Demand Courses

  • Is this course in person or online?

    This course is online and on-demand (self-study) only.

  • Do I have to attend real-time in order to get the recordings?

    Nope! There are no live events associated with this course, it's pre-recorded and available on-demand for your convenience.

  • How do I view the course content?

    Once you've enrolled, open the course and you'll find the course content. Navigate the course using the menu on the left side of the screen (or click the menu icon on mobile).

  • How long do I have access to the recordings?

    They don't expire — you get lifetime access to the recordings and course material for as long as The School for Flower Essence Studies is operating, and we plan on doing this for a long time!
    If for any reason that changes, we will provide as much advance notices as possible.

  • How do I contact you?

    Please send an email to [email protected], or click "Support" in the pull-down menu under your name at the top of the page.