Are you struggling to get your flower essence practice off the ground?

  • Have you completed flower essence practitioner training, but don’t know what to do next?

  • Are you excited to work with clients, but feel overwhelmed by business tasks?

  • Would you like to revive an existing practice or infuse it with more professionalism?

Starting a professional Flower Essence Therapy business can be overwhelming

There are so many pieces to the puzzle!

Are you stuck in any of these areas?

  • Starting a Business

    What is your business name and your brand? What paperwork do you need for your business? What do you need to think about for your website?

  • Attracting Clients

    Who are your clients and how do you find them? How do you talk about your offerings? What are the regulations around the words you use?

  • Working with Clients

    Do you have a workflow for scheduling, intake and ongoing communication? What happens in a session and how do you keep records?

  • Preparing Dosage Bottles

    Where do you get your supplies? What regulatory best practices do you follow when creating a dosage bottle and working with raw ingredients?

  • Fulfillment

    What information do you give the client? How do you package the bottle? What shipping service do you use? What else completes the interaction?

You don't have to do it alone

It's normal to get support when it comes to running your own business and building a thriving practice, and we're here to help!

photo of puzzle pieces

Learn core business practices from seasoned Flower Essence Therapy practitioners, so you don't have to learn the hard way (like we did)

Course curriculum

Get an overview of what to consider when starting out, a grounding in what's most important to do first, and plenty of tips along the way

    1. Start Here

    1. Intro - What to expect

    2. Our Flower Essence Therapy Practices

    3. 1 - Getting Started

    4. 2 - Attracting Clients

    5. 3 - Working with Clients

    6. 4 - Formulating

    7. 5 - Fulfillment

    8. Final Q&A and Closing thoughts

    1. Full Class Outline for Printing

    2. 1a Getting Started

    3. 1b Getting Started

    4. 2 Attracting Clients

    5. 3a Working with Clients

    6. 3b Working with Clients

    7. 4 Formulating

    8. 5 Fulfillment

    1. Full Resource Guide for Printing

    2. Bottle Resources

    3. Label Resources

    4. Shipping & Packing Resources

    5. Communication Tools

    6. Marketing & Branding Tools

    7. Essence & Ingredient Suppliers

    8. Additional Resources

    9. Bottle Sanitization Options

    1. Full Class Recording - Video and Audio Download

    1. Please rate this course with this simple survey

About this course

  • $57.00
  • 3 hours of video lessons
  • Course "Roadmap" notes
  • Handy resource list of apps, services, and suppliers

Jumpstart your Flower Essence Therapy Business Practice


  • Is this course in person or online? Live or pre-recorded?

    It is online-only. This course consists of the video recordings of a live class that was recorded in Fall 2022.

  • Will this course teach me everything I need to know about running my business?

    We cannot possibly do that in a 3 hour course, nor cover information that is unique to your city/state/country, or is best served by a legal or tax professional. However, we can share how we've set up and grown our own businesses, lessons and best practices we've learned along the way, and resources we've collected.

Your Instructors

Flower Essence Studies Core Faculty

Rochana Felde, Ruth Toledo Altschuler, and Kathleen Aspenns are seasoned instructors with decades of clinical experience in Flower Essence Therapy and flower essence research.
  • Ruth Toledo Altschuler

    Certified Flower Essence Practitioner, Educator, Mentor, and Creator of Essence Mentoring and Essence Circles

  • Kathleen Aspenns

    Certified Flower Essence Practitioner, Nature Intuitive, Animal Wellness Consultant, Educator, and Founder of Flora of Asia Flower Essences

  • Rochana Felde

    Integrative Flower Essence Practitioner, Herbalist, Graphic Designer, and Founder of Wiseflower Wellness and Wiseflower Media

What People are Saying

Feedback on The Flower Essence Conference and our Courses

“I absolutely loved the 2022 Flower Essence Conference! To fully immerse myself in the world of flower essences and flower essence therapy, and to learn how leading flower essence practitioners are working with these remedies from nature to support their clients to heal from trauma and build resiliency as sensitives, was such a treat! There was so much amazing information given in each talk and many nuggets of gold to take away. I'm so glad I registered for this years conference, and am grateful for the amazing job Ruth, Rochana and Kathleen did in putting this conference together. As a new practitioner in this area I have come away feeling very supported and inspired and will carry forward all I have learnt into my flower essence practice which I believe will benefit my clients immensely. ”

Brooke Kerekere, Registered Naturopath and Herbalist (mNMHNZ), First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner, Wellington, New Zealand

“Ruth, Rochana, and Kathleen, my deepest respect and gratitude to you for this spectacular conference! Every detail so exquisitely curated and tended to, from your impeccable website, to the array of speakers, to the depth and breadth of topics covered, and the elegance with which you represent the Flowers. What a wonderful resource and inspiration for this burgeoning community!”

Maribeth Swan, Flower Essence Guide & Intuitive Counsel, Massachusetts, USA

“Incredible content. Worth watching (the Flower Essence Conference) over and over to grasp everything and take copious notes. Branding was beautiful. Content delivery using an LMS was brilliant. Loved combination of live sessions and prerecorded. All the teachers were so different yet very knowledgeable and grounded. It left me very inspired to become an essence practitioner asap. Also the interviewers/hosts did wonderful job facilitating and asking questions. Loved it! Thank you!”

“One of the best conferences I have attended so far. Fantastically organized, with great content from participants passionate about flower essences and healing.”

KS, California

“I would encourage anyone to join this conference and learn a new way of healing. It is like opening a door to a whole new paradigm that I didn't know existed. I am incredibly grateful!”

Myra, Virginia,USA

“This conference was illuminating, inspiring and very empowering. A delightful blend of some of the masters in the field of flower essence therapy who provides new insights tools and inspiration for the healing journey and the magickal kingdom of plant consciousness that helps us heal. ”

TV, Norway

“If you have an interest in flower essences this (conference) is a must-attend event. I learned so much and loved connecting with the flowers and this beautiful community. Thank you. Highly recommend!”

“As a participant of Ruth’s online courses, even 23 years after taking my first FES California Flower Essences course also led by Ruth, I still feel the same enchantment with the flowers and their essences and experience the same freshness and inspiration coming from Ruth as a teacher.
Through these courses, my use of the flower essences is renewed, as the perspective and focus that Ruth brings are of great depth, while the media rich content shared through the internet provides a form of contact with the flowers that is incredibly strong.
This is a valuable experience: the images, the sound, the quality of the content, the depth of the proposed experiences, the delicacy in listening, everything is absolutely well placed, with great zeal and care.”

Isabela Bisconcini - Flower Essence Practitioner, Jungian Psychotherapist, Family Constellations Practitioner

“Ruth Toledo Altschuler is a remarkable teacher and practitioner of Flower Essence Therapy. She’s also a professional photographer, a skill which she brings into her course work, helping people to see the beauty and signatures of flowers and their environments.
I feel lucky to have taken workshops and courses from her, learning about the benefits and energetic qualities of flowers and in which circumstances to use them. Ruth has a warm, compassionate way of interacting with students (some of whom are already professional Flower Essence Practitioners). She fosters a community spirit and dialogue among students within her courses. In my last course with her, she impressed on us how important our work is at this time on earth and that we are here to contribute in significant ways.
I treasure Ruth as a teacher with years of expertise and profound insight and wisdom. I highly recommend her Flower Essence workshops and courses! ”

Eloise DeLeon, Energy Healer, Flower Essence Practitioner
New York, USA